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Samostatná výstava Patrície Šichmanovej

Krátky opis
Projekt je zameraný na realizáciu samostatnej výstavy Patrície Šichmanovej v Galérií S12 v Bergene, Nórsko. Vystavené práce budú nadväzovať na moju doterajšiu tvorbu so zameraním na objekty zo skla, s použitím techník ztavovanie frity a taveného skla. Na výstave budú zahrnuté práce s témou bleskou, vody a tekutosti. Výstava sa bude konať v nových priestoroch galérie S12 v centre Bergenu. Táto galéria je špeciálne zameraná na sklárske umenie a podporu experimentálnych prístupov ku sklu.
Názov podujatia
Fluidity - Katalóg

Miesto konania

Termín konania
03.08.2019 - 14.09.2019

Popis projektu

Patrícia Šichmanová grew up in Bratislava,
Slovakia where she completed her MFA at
the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in 2017
with highest honors. Her master project won
third prize in international competition Stanislav
Libensky Award, Prague. During 6 years
of exploring possibilities of glass, she studied
also Metal at Høgskolen i Sørost Norge, Rauland,
Norway and glass and ceramic design at Häme
University of Applied Sciences, Hämeenlinna,
Finland. Drawing her inspiration from nature,
the Nordic landscape made a big impact
on her and consequently on her works. In 2016
she started internship in S12 Galleri og Verksted,
where she created her master project and
currently works. Her works were exhibited in
group exhibitions in Europe.
„Everything moves, everything flows. I am
fascinated by stopping this process. The thrill
from next moment forces me to focus on the
presence. My work focuses on nature, landscape
and natural phenomena which always inspire
me. Storm, lightning, water, rain, wave... Glass
is similar. Through its transparency, formability
and optical properties and at the same time its
significant differences – its physical state, final
form and its processing. Depicting the essence
or a certain property, I am combining different
techniques and materials. I experiment with
the fluidity of color. Controlling it while I let it
lead me at the same time.
I draw my inspiration from norwegian landscape,
its extensive lakes and fjords, rainy days in
Bergen and walks by the coast. The main aim
of the work was capturing water movement.
I depicted vertical movement using color running
through glass sheet. Using technique Pâte de
verre I have created objects that are able to soak
water through glass frit. My experimentation
was focused on color and its ways through glass
objetcs. Just as life is putting problems in our
way, I have put obstacles in the form of different
surfaces, textures or simple lines against flow
of color. It resulted in contrast between color and
clear glass, but also different saturation due
to color diffusion.“

Názov prímateľa
Patrícia Šichmanová

Celkový rozpočet:
2 180,00 €

Výška podpory:
1 600,00 €