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Fenomény prírody

Krátky opis
Projekt je zameraný na vytvorenie sklenených objektov inšpirovaných pohybom v prírode a inými naturálnymi fenoménmi, ktorým sa venujem. Diela bude sprevádzať kinetická inštalácia využívajúca platformu Arduino. Téma vody, ktorú mám rozpracovanú v posledných prácach bude zhmotnená v novom pohľade, ktoré mi nové znalosti poskytujú. Výsledky projektu budú prezentované na samostatnej výstave na začiatku roku 2019.
Názov podujatia

Miesto konania

Termín konania
02.03.2019 - 26.05.2019

Popis projektu

The exhibition is an international project of the AFAD (Academy of Fine Arts and Design) in Bratislava (The Slovak Republic). Thema of the show: An integration of free forms of painting and drawing on and into glass.

Content: pieces of 17 artists from Slovakia, Czechia, Finland - Japan, USA. Curators: Palo Macho, Sylva Petrova. First venue Medium Gallery Bratislava, June 2017.

Designed for the area approx 200 m2 with flexibility to be install into the larger area as well. Most of the pieces go for walls, 3–D objects are designed altogether with own plinths. The exhibition is accompanied by a small booklet Knowing–Seeing – Painting (Glass as Canvas), ISBN978-80-8189-014-7, published by AFAD 2017 in Bratislava, Slovakia, 54 pages (texts by curators, b-w and col. images, artists CVs and statements). In Slovak, English and Czech language.

The international exhibition presenting pieces of students and the university teachers, is designed as simple overview of the current situation in the field. In AFAD Bratislava within the training curriculum the students are having chance to undertake courses run by Reader Palo Macho experimenting with various forms painting and drawing integrating into glass after 2010.

The education strategy of the course is very sttimulating, open as well as liberal. Palo Macho comments: „Painting and drawing in and on glass necessarily require mastering glass craftsmanship and technique. The difference of the other forms of glass objects is that painting, drawing and photography on glass have to make students themselves following their own ideas. No glass mass can replace their value. Thus, students must constantly defend their position. Just as painting, drawing, graphics and photography on canvas or paper need to defend and confirm their place in contemporary art”….

Curators Palo Macho and Sylva Petrová entitled the show as Knowing – Seeing – Painting which describes the creative process of making modern forms glass in the area. The process really begins when the topic (knowing) and the idea, i.e. the visual conception (seeing), are processed by the intellect. Thirdly can come a conclusion, which goes over the traditional way of thinking and the usual approach towards painting on glass. This approach is different, new and unconventional. And this is precisely the concept the exhibition is built on. Except of the students into the show was invited set of the internationally profiled teachers of glass programs from the USA, Finland-Japan, and the Czech Republic.

Názov prímateľa
Patrícia Šichmanová

Celkový rozpočet:
0,00 €

Výška podpory:
8 208,00 €