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V prípade zistenia, že boli prijímateľom finančnej podpory poskytnutej Fondom na podporu umenia zverejnené nevhodné alebo hanlivé informácie, ktoré sú v rozpore s pravidlami FPU, morálkou a etiketou, Fond na podporu umenia má právo takéto informácie okamžite odstrániť z tejto časti webového sídla. Nevhodný obsah zverejnených príspevkom môžete nahlásiť na e-mailovej adrese propagacia@fpu.sk.
Solidarita so singularitou
It is clear that humans’ relationships with companion animals in the Western world have undergone significant changes in the past decades. Increasingly more people consider their dogs and cats to be “members of the family,” exhibiting great concern related to their welfare and investing money in commodities produced with companion animals in mind. Animal historians have noted that this increased concern for certain animals is linked with the disappearance of many species of animals from the everyday lives of humans. In Central and Eastern Europe, these qualitative changes have coincided with the shift towards a capitalist economy. Even though correlation is not equal to causation, it is worthwhile to reflect on the specificity of the changes in this part of the world in relation to the emergence of consumer culture. Taking a materialist approach, I trace the paths through which companion animals in Central Europe have become biocommodities, and I analyze this shift focusing on both the benefits and drawbacks that such changes have for the animals themselves.
OZ Naplno
Celkový rozpočet:
4 600,00 €
Výška podpory:
4 000,00 €